JUL. 21 - Oct. 9. 2023
7/21-10/9, 2023
동강사진박물관 DongGang Museum of Photography | 영월일대 Yeongwol area
국제공모전 <The Magical Unknowns>
International Open Call Exhibition <The Magical Unknowns>
동강사진박물관 제7 전시실, 야외전시장 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 7, Outdoor Exhibition Space
2023 DIPF Poster

국제주제전 <Akademie Series 4 : DAY to MORROW>
Main International Exhibition <Akademie Series 4 : DAY TO MORROW>
동강사진박물관 제1, 2 전시실 2023. 7. 21 - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 1, 2
DongGang Photography Award Exhibition <jeongmee YOON : it own rays>
동강사진박물관 제3 전시실 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 3
강원특별자치도 사진가전 <평행의 이행>
Gangwon State Photographers Exhibition <Transition of the Parallels>
동강사진박물관 제6 전시실 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 6
거리설치전 <영월찬미>
Street Installation Exhibition <In Praise of Yeongwol>
동강사진박물관, 영월군 일대 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol Area
영월군민사진전 <상동의 추억>
Yeongwol County Photographers Exhibition <Memories of Sangdong>
영월문화예술회관 제1 전시실 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
Yeongwol Culture Arts Center Gallery 1
전국 초등학생 사진일기 공모전
Elementary Student Photo Diary Exhibition

동강사진박물관 야외전시장 2023. 7. 21. - 2024. 6
DongGang Museum of Photography Outdoor Exhibition Space
평생교육원사진전 <Growing Up X>
Continuing Education Exhibition <Growing Up X>
영월문화예술회관 제2 전시실 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
Yeongwol Culture Arts Center Gallery 2
작가와의 대화
Artist’s Talk

보도사진가전 <人 the VIEW_베테랑>
Photo Journalists Exhibition <人 the VIEW_Veteran>
동강사진박물관 제5 전시실 2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 5
영월 스토리텔링전 <기억 속의 영월>
Yeongwol Storytelling Exhibition
<Recollecting Yeongwol Country >
동강사진박물관 제4 전시실
2023. 7. 21. - 10. 9
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 4

대학생 포트폴리오 리뷰 :
College Student Portfolio Review :
동강사진박물관 갤러리
2024 전시 예정
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery

영월미디어기자박물관 2023. 8. 19. 13:30-17:00
Youngwol Media Journalist Museum
동강 포토저널리즘 워크숍
DongGang Photojournalism Workshop
동강사진박물관 제1, 3, 7 전시실 2023. 7. 22. 9:00 - 12:00
DongGang Museum of Photography Exhibition Gallery 1, 3, 7
동강사진상 수상자전 <윤정미 : it own rays>

2024 행복한 가족사진전
Yeongwol Photo Tour

Happy Family Album 2024

동강사진박물관 제5 전시실
DongGang Museum of Photography Gallery 5
그린 다큐멘터리 프로젝트 : 틴틴포토
Green Documentary Project : TEEN TEEN PHOTO
영월일대 2023. 7. 21
Yeongwol Area
대상 : 김화여자중학교 1학년 성유나

*Sponsored by Fuji Film
영월문화예술회관 2층 전시실
2023. 11. 1. - 11. 11
Yeongwol Culture Arts Center Gallery 2